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Wholesale VoIP Solution

The birth of Voice-over-IP technology in late 1990s and its rapid growth in early 2000s, have resulted in the proliferation of many alternative telecom providers. Those providers have introduced a number of innovative communications services such as class 4 service and callback which relied on call origination and termination over the Internet. The growing number of new telecom providers led to increased demand for traffic aggregation services and as a result the Wholesale VoIP business was born.

Wholesale VoIP providers act as traffic aggregators and/or traffic exchanges for their customers. They sign up contracts with both retail and wholesale VoIP providers and act as a middle man for call origination and termination services. When partners send traffic to the Wholesale VoIP provider, he/she reroutes it to other partners for termination and makes profit from the difference in negotiated rates.

Business Solution

SysMaster offers end-to-end, cost-effective and scalable Wholesale VoIP solution. That solution features powerful billing, flexible routing, and proven interoperability with equipment from other leading VoIP vendors. Because all solution components are developed by SysMaster, integration issues are eliminated, allowing providers to quickly start and/or expand their Wholesale VoIP business while enjoying high return on investment.

How does the solution work?

Wholesale Provider Experience

  • Partner A sends VoIP traffic to the wholesale VoIP provider for termination.

  • SysMaster’s Softswitch accepts the traffic and sends authorization request to SysMaster’s VoIP Billing server.

  • The VoIP billing server verifies the account balance of Partner A and authorizes call termination.

  • The Softswitch re-routes the traffic to Partner B, hiding traffic source information.

  • Upon completing the call, the VoIP Billing server records debits the account of Partner A and records CDR record of the call.

Solution components and requirements

Core elements of SysMaster's Wholesale VoIP Solution include:

  • VoiceMaster® VoIP Billing, a robust billing server that provides our customers with all necessary tools to successfully implement a wide spectrum of VoIP business models.

  • uniSwitch Softswitch, an advanced VoIP softswitch that provides our customer with secure and reliable peering between their own networks and the VoIP networks of their business partners.


Interested to learn more about that solution? Call Us today or email us at



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